Area Career Exploration (ACE) 2018

Ten years ago, a collaboration between the Fairmont Area Chamber of Commerce, Workforce Center, ISEEK, and other area individuals, resulted in an event that attracts more than 650 high school sophomores from 12 area schools. The mission is to raise awareness of career and job options in the area so students are knowledgeable about the opportunities awaiting them here upon graduation.

Here’s an early video about the creation of the event. While their are some differences between the video and the current event, the overall mission remains.

The Area Career Exploration (ACE) is scheduled for April 11th at Fairmont Jr/Sr High School Gym. Representatives from nearly 100 area businesses and colleges are invited to showcase job and career opportunities at this free event. Students have the opportunity to visit with them and participate in a live career Game show in the Performing Arts Center. A resource guide is given to each attending sophomore which parents are encouraged to look through with their student and discuss available options prior to ACE.

Special thanks to the many volunteers and funding partners: Compeer Financial, Bank Midwest, Fairmont EDA, First Farmers & Merchants Bank, Fareway, Hy-Vee, Kahler Automation, Martin County IGNITE, Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation, SW/WC Service Cooperation (Perkins Grant). Call the Chamber office at 507-235-5547 for more information or to make a donation.

ACE Guide 2018 final