Start A Business

Fairmont’s community and economic development efforts drive Fairmont to be one of southern Minnesota’s best cities for access to transportation, land availability, workforce and quality of life. Fairmont is host to more than 500 businesses. Over the past 12 years Fairmont’s Economic Development Authority’s revolving loan fund has helped 53 businesses with loans from $17,000…

Fairmont-The First Top 20 Community in the Nation

The Fairmont area promotes, instills and supports the Top 20 concepts originally designed and implemented in St. Paul, Minnesota. Teachings are based on the Pareto principle which proposes that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. In most situations where there is a group doing an activity, some will just naturally…

Glows Parade 2015 – A Martin County Tradition for 26 Years!

Santa will arrive by airplane at the Fairmont Municipal Airport just after 4:00 p.m. on November 20th to greet area children. The 26th Annual Glows Parade will take place at 6:00 p.m. from Downtown Plaza to Lincoln Park the same day. Float entry is free of charge. Register your float by Monday, November 2nd.