Area Career Exploration – April 10, 2024.
The Fairmont Area Chamber of Commerce partners with businesses, educational entities, MNVAC, CareerForce, and Fairmont Area Schools in hosting their annual Area Career Exploration, or ACE, event in the Fairmont Jr./Sr. High School gymnasium. ACE is an effort to provide students with information on careers and job located in the Martin County/South Central Region of Minnesota.
On average over 100 businesses, colleges and organizations provide over 650 sophomores from 12 area schools information on careers and jobs located in the Martin County/South Central Region of Minnesota. Prior to arriving, students will have completed a career interest survey which narrows their interests to a short list of careers they may wish to pursue. From there, students are given the opportunity to meet with area businesses from a wide selection of industry sectors to discuss these and other career options. They will have the opportunity to learn what high school and college classes offer the greatest benefit to their chosen career field as well as what the job market looks like for their career.
The event is divided into two alternating sessions, allowing students to peruse business booths during one and enjoy a career game show in the Performing Arts Center during the other. Young professionals from the area pose career-focused questions to students from each school who compete to win a trophy for their school.
Businesses wishing to have representatives at the 2024 ACE Event:
Contact Sydney at 507-235-5547 or email: [email protected]
Anyone interested in volunteering or seeking more information about this event:
Contact Sydney at calling 507-235-5547 or email: [email protected]