By: Margaret Dillard – Chamber President
Readers may remember an article I wrote titled, “Four simple steps that will change the world.” I began with a scenario about my sister wiping around sinks in public bathrooms citing a mission to leave things a little better than when you find them. Since then, I have delighted in orders delivered by Admiral William H. McRaven (U.S. Navy Retired) who wrote a book, “Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World.”
Personally, I need to know that what I do makes a difference. That tiny, seemingly insignificant actions can change a small part of the world for the better is inspirational. On those days where it’s hard to address the “big picture” and the difficult actions, finding one tiny thing that helps someone else will jumpstart a trend where I am able to string all the little things together and come to the conclusion that the day was not wasted. The day and a few small contributions become of value. Somehow, just knowing that, leads to better days ahead!
The ramblings above and the mindset about value are precursors to Fairmont Chamber strategic sessions. Board and staff come together in October to guide the organization into active promotion of a healthy local business environment. Then, staff sets about to perform daily tasks that lead to achieving the overall results.
During the weeks and months following, it’s easy to believe that tiny steps in the right direction are invisible. Focused measures, timelines and gauges along the way paint the picture of project success, mediocre results or failure of positive outcomes.
When you do nothing… When fear rules… When you decide to surrender the quest and turn away from your mission, the world is a little less changed for the better. It is then that you have switched teams and are contributing to the downhill slide.
Chamber strategic sessions are October 18 and 25. We hope to change a part of our world for the better. If you are interested in promoting local business, we invite you to have a voice by joining the Chamber. Whether a resident or business, your membership investment contributes to local programs and projects.
October 24th, we encourage new residents who are also new teachers at our schools by facilitating a banquet where they are treated to dinner and seated with their host who is a local business person or individual.
At 9 am the same day, we’ll hold a workshop to discuss cross promotion of local business via social media platforms just in time to lend a new marketing perspective for the holidays.
November 3rd, Wes Pruett of HR Advisors will lead a business seminar about recruiting and retaining employees and how that is different when thinking of millennials.
Staff is also preparing to usher in the Christmas Season by inviting businesses, individuals and organizations to participate in the Glows Parade November 17th.You can sign up HERE!
Those are only some of the smaller steps we take during the year to improve the local world of business. In the meantime, keep in mind that no matter how small your efforts, you change the world. Start by making your bed or cleaning around the sink. If you have a suggestion or comment, I always welcome conversation about supporting local business and communities.
This article appeared in the October 2017 Community Connections newsletter. Read more HERE!